20mph Zones

At the next meeting of Hullbridge parish Council it has been agreed to put the issue of 20mph zones onto the agenda.

These zones use signage and subtle (and some not so) differences in road layouts to get drivers to slow down.  They are not expensive to create and do not make use of speed humps as a matter of course.

Some of the changes could be as simple as painted signs on roads, narrowing of the road in places (as on the old A130 through Rettendon) and changes in road colour.  These are shown in combination to help reduce speeds and would certainly be welcomed along Ferry Road especially around the school and shopping areas.

The department of Transport has information http://bit.ly/d9Q3oF

One thought on “20mph Zones

  1. Fully endorse the narrowing of the road as at Rettendon, especially if we could get this done on Lower Road as it might deter people from using it like a rat run it now is.
    The amount and size of traffic going through the village is ridiculous. Another example of the lack of foresight by RDC or is it part of an overall strategy to build a link to Southend Airport, the same as it was planned in the 60’s/70’s ?

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